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Our Services

Family Engagement
Social Emotional Learning
Mental Wellness

Social Emotional Learning Workshops

Family Engagement Services

Mental Wellness Consultant

Social Emotional Learning Workshops encompass the whole child and support their overall functioning through skill acquisition and development. Guided Visions Support Services strengthens the sense of belonging and sense of significance of each client through Restorative Practices. Throughout each workshop youth are encouraged to utilize their individual voices to advocate and hold space for not just themselves but others.


Guided Visions Support Services also provides interactive and engaging workshops related to self esteem/self identity, bullying, mental health awareness, boundary setting, self care, coping skills development, interpersonal skills, and emotion regulation. Guided Visions Support Service workshops leave  youth feeling empowered, skilled and ready to take on life’s challenges!

Guided Visions Support Services believes that strong families are the foundation of strong individuals. Families will learn healthy communication strategies and effective  parent skills training in effort to further improve their relationships.


Guided Visions Support Services works to not only support the social emotional needs of youth but also their families. We accomplish this by identifying your needs and pouring into you. By doing so, we build strong connections with parents and guardians to create a supportive and nurturing home environment for every child.

Through professional consultation with schools, youth organizations, and faith based agencies, I will provide training and support that will enable me to maximize and support the social emotional needs of youth. I work in partnership with staff and administration to assess the agency's needs and develop an action plan.


Employee training will also assist employees to reinforce the skills attained by youth during skill building workshops. Additional training includes and is not limited to: Trauma Informed Care, Behavior Management Strategies, Rapport Building Skills, Restorative Practices, Integrating SEL and more.

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